This guide tells you how to get every achievement, every romance, every alliance, and even more side quest content that isn’t obvious at first glance.
Achievement Guide Chapter 1-6
Achievement Guide:
Chapter 1:
Surprise Attack!: Use Auspex or Oblivion to discover a hidden way into the warehouse and get the drop on Ward.
Rip and Tear: Use Fortitude during the assault on Ward’s warehouse.
Dropping Eaves: Use Obfuscate to spy on the warehouse before assaulting it.
Chapter 2:
Tattle : Must be Nosferatu. Investigate Bouchard and catch Shawn snooping in Bouchard’s office. Report on his snooping when you’re speaking with Bouchard.
Luddite : Secretly ally with Bouchard during your interview with him by telling hm that you’re willing to give him information about Corliss and sticking to that message.
Awkward Conversation : Must be Ventrue. Investigate Vivian. Being familiar with your Primogen will allow you to arrive early and overhear a secret conversation.
Ventrue Capitalist: Secretly ally with Vivian Maier during your interview with her by offering her inside info on Corliss.
A Modest Proposal : Listen to Robert Ward’s proposal when he accosts you after the interview with either Vivian or Bouchard. He will ONLY do this if you choose the 2 nicer responses to him in chapter 1. (Do NOT shoot him or say “You Anarchs are all the same.”)
Chapter 3
Right man for the Job : When you tell Gerard what to investigate at the end of chapter 1, you must choose the option that best suits his background. If you do, you will get the achievement in chapter 3 when he reports to you. Look into what the police found at the warehouse if Gerard was a crime ‘soldier.’ Look into the sales of explosives if Gerard was a financial assistant. Research Kindred connections to the construction site if Gerard was a butler.
Qui to the City : Make a good impression with Qui when he questions you at the beginning of chapter 3. Do this by being honest with him and then by taking his side over Corliss’s.
Safe Word : Choose to report Vivian’s malady to Corliss, and do not go to Vivian’s house with Qui. Investigate Corliss’s office and encounter Ophelia snooping around. Confront her. Pass a check requiring: Intelligence or Resolve of more than 49.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! : Go to Vivian’s house with Qui and Jordan. Follow Qui’s instructions and stay by the car. Use Auspex if you have it or pass a test requiring Resolve or Composure of more than 44 to discover the hiding reporter. Catch him successfully by using either Celerity, grabbing him with a dex or resolve score of more than 34, lure him to you with a manipulation or int score of more then 34, or speak to him with a wits or charisma score of more than 34. The achievement will trigger when you’re done interrogating him.
Chapter 4
I’m not a Monster! : Don’t drink from the unwilling mortal at the Council meeting.
Chapter 5
Tremblay : Speak with Jordan in chapter 4 during the Court meeting and agree to go to their home after. If you want to go this path, it’s not recommended to ally with Bouchard or Vivian. Visit Jordan after the meeting. Once in chapter 5, decide to start the relationship with Jordan.
All Cameras Down : Must be with Sheriff Qui at the end of chapter 4. Do this by NOT joining Jordan or Lucca, and NOT allying with Bouchard or Vivian. In chapter 5 when you’re infiltrating the exhibition hall, you must shut down the security camera system.
Ghoul Down: Be with Qui, infiltrating the exhibition. When in the basement, choose to stick around and NOT leave early. When the ghoul, Ichiro shows up, you must use a discipline to defeat him. Dominate automatically wins. Potence or Celerity gets you halfway there and then you must either use brute force (strength + stamina > 80), pummel him with speed (dex + strength > 80), or quickly grab his sword and run him through (dex + resolve > 80).
Snooping: After being ambushed by Hauberk on your way to the exhibition, you must successfully escape him. Once you’re alone, choose to spy from the roof of a tall building and pass a check with dexterity or resolve of more than 44.
Aggravated Assault: Must be allied with either Vivian or Bouchard. When you’re ambushed by Hauberk, you must steal his gun and not give it back at any point. Do this by employing Potence, or Celerity, or Dominate (with a check for charisma or resolve > 44), or grab the gun (check for strength or dex > 49) Choose to complete Vivian or Bouchard’s mission after Elysium is bombed. When you’re discovered by the ghoul, Ichiro, use the gun you stole from Hauberk against him.
Sneakernet: Complete Vivian’s secret mission by placing the thumb drive in Alisha’s computer after Elysium is bombed. (Also works for Basaras’s side quest in the expansion.)
Chapter 6
An Unusual First Date: Starts the Qui relationship track. Do NOT break out the Feral, Hauberk, in chapter 2. Make sure Qui likes you (see guide for the ‘Qui to the City’ achievement) then make sure you’re with him to infiltrate the exhibition hall at the beginning of chapter 5 (no visiting Jordan or allying with Vivian or Bouchard.) After the infiltration is done, choose the option saying that you’re interested in Qui as more than friends. (This option only appears if you make a good impression in chapter 3, as in the Qui to the City achievement.) After you deal with the Lasombra, Javier, in chapter 6, Qui will ask if you really want to get to know him better. Choose to go along with him for the achievement.
To Oblivion: Succeed in your battle VS the Lasombra, Javier, in chapter 6. Must be with Qui and NOT be allied with Vivian or Bouchard. In the confrontation, use Auspex or Oblivion and pass a check of (wits + resolve > 99), or Fortitude (resolve and composure BOTH > 49), or be a Nosferatu and use Obfuscate (wits OR resolve > 49) or use a Blood Surge (resolve AND composure both > 59), or shoot him successfully (dex > 54 AND wits > 49 OR resolve > 49) (requires you to have brought your gun)
Like An Egg: Be allied with Bouchard and meet him in the sewer after talking to the Archon. Catch the Nosferatu, Shawn, and do NOT convince Bouchard to let him go. Catching Shawn requires discipline use (automatic success) or: Watch the rear ((composure + resolve) > 79), Call out: ((manipulation + charisma) > 79), or run after him ((dexterity + resolve) > 79)
Road Rage : Be on the Jordan or Lucca relationship track and go after Javier to save Qui in chapter 6. Take the car into the tunnel and ‘crash the party.’
Achievement chapters 7-9
Chapter 7
Spied the Spy: After feeding near the beginning of chapter 7, you’ll feel like you’re being spied on if you pass a check: ((wits > 49) or (resolve > 49)) (If you have the option, do NOT go with Ward’s driver or you’ll miss this check.) If you pass this check, you’ll need to have Auspex. If you do, you’ll spot the spy and trigger the achievement.
Whispering Warlocks : Do NOT follow the Anarch path in chapter 7. When discussing tactics in the sewer, do not agree with Qui about the show of strength. Remain stealthy. When Bouchard sends his scouts ahead, take Jordan’s advice and follow them quietly.
(Hidden) Aggravation: Very difficult without using a trick detailed at the bottom. Easiest without Auspex, but not required. This is most likely to be achieved in chapter 7. To get this hidden achievement, you must take ‘aggravated’ damage 3 times. This only happens in a few places in the game:
– In chapter 5 when you’re ambushed by Hauberk, you can choose to grab his gun. Failing this check ((dexterity > 49) and (strength > 49)) gets you shot for agg damage.
– In chapter 5 after the explosion in the exhibition hall, choose to go after the terrorists. You must touch the bomb and get zapped by the ward on it to take agg.
– In chapter 7, don’t go with the Anarchs. When in the sewer, choose to go with Qui’s aggressive tactics and position yourself up front. You must then FAIL this test: ((((composure + wits) > 94) or (resolve > 59)) or (auspex))
– In chapter 7 (no Anarch path) when ambushed by the Tremere, you must confront their leader, Lillian, on the platform. (Stay up front and fail checks.) You must then FAIL this check: ((resolve > 69) or (dexterity > 64)) This is VERY difficult to pull off on purpose, so it’s recommended to use the previous chapter 7 option for your third aggravated damage if you’re hunting this achievement. That said, it does lead to a unique ending for chapter 7 where you collapse early and are later revived by Lucca and Jordan.
– Secret Cheating Tip: If you are having trouble getting this achievement, you can cheat the system. Play a new game and choose the default (first) choice all the way. Wow. That was easy!
Shot in the Dark: In chapter 7 (no Anarch path) when you’re ambushed by Lillian’s Tremere coterie, you must stay up front and choose to shoot Lillian. Must pass this test: (((composure + resolve) > 89) or (dexterity > 64)). You can also get this by staying in the middle of the battle, but it’s a harder check: (((composure + resolve) > 105) or (dexterity > 74))
Closure: Do NOT follow the Anarch path in chapter 7. When discussing tactics in the sewer, do not agree with Qui about the show of strength. Remain stealthy. When Bouchard sends his scouts ahead, disagree with Jordan and stay put. You will notice a mercenary named Laflamme who seems uneasy. Talk to him and be nice. After the battle with the Tremere, you’ll notice that Laflamme has been killed and take a photo from his corpse. After discovering Lang being held captive, you’ll notice Qui talking to an unfamiliar Nosferatu. She looks like she might be Laflamme’s daughter. Approach her and tell her the truth about what happened to her father.
The Truth? : Have Jordan search your memories and discover the truth about your origins. This can be done from the Anarch branch of chapter 7, or if Jordan likes you in chapter 8.
Going Down: Go with the Anarchs in chapter 7 and attack Elysium. (requires good relationship with Ward) Once the battle is underway, betray the Anarchs and search for Alisha in order to warn her and look for an escape route.
Chapter 8
True Justice: On your way to investigate Elysium, Kashif will approach you if his relationship is 45 or higher, or if you assisted him in the Tremere battle by staying to the rear of the battle and watching the flank. Must not have gone to see Ward in chapter 7. Do not tell him that you trust Corliss. Agree to help him assassinate Corliss.
One Night In Ottawa: When you begin investigating Elysium, choose to look in the security room. Take the black box and hook it up to a monitor. Pass this check: (((wits + resolve) > 100) or (intelligence > 59)) OR have a mortal background as a ‘Hacker’ which is an option for Nosferatu PCs.
Archon’s Pet: When you’re being questioned by Archon Adeline in chapter 8, tell her at least 3 bits of optional information.
One Tranquil Night: Requires Jordan relationship. After the Elysium investigation, go with Jordan to visit their cult. Stay the night.
Dead Man’s Switch: Requires Jordan to have scanned your original memories before chapter 8. When you’re being questioned by Archon Adeline in chapter 8, tell her about the memories and how the implicate Corliss of draining an elder dry. (This can also lead to the alternate ending and the achievement ‘Identity Crisis.’)
Soak This!: Must be allied with Bouchard. Join Bouchard in his sewer lair after investigating Elysium and agree to help defend him with the heavy machine gun. Use the machine gun to destroy either the invading Tremere vampire or Bouchard.
Sanguine Devotion: Requires Jordan relationship. Visit Jordan’s cult in chapter 8.
Our Savior! : Requires Jordan relationship. When Archon Adeline attacks the cult, you must save the cult members by confronting her and succeeding by doing one of the following:
– Surrender peacefully: Tests (((intelligence > 59) or (charisma > 59)) or (resolve > 59)))
– Petition for the cultists’ lives: Tests (((charisma > 59) or (manipulation > 59)) or (wits > 59))
Out for a Drink : Requires Qui relationship: Agree to go on a ‘date’ with Qui after the Elysium investigation.
Qui to his Heart: Agree to stay the night with Qui after the mission.
Chapter 9
Double Cross: Agree to help Kashif at the beginning of chapter 8 (see achievement: True Justice) and then reveal his plan to Corliss to double-cross him. Having this opportunity requires you to either have a good relationship with Corliss or Lucca. Do NOT go to Arundel’s villa.
Choose A Side: Must not: attack Elysium with the Anarchs, flee the city, or be in a relationship where you stayed overnight in chapter 8. Near the beginning of chapter 9, Henrik Lang will demand that you let him hide in your haven. Allow this and take him home. Once there, either side with him against the other Tremere, or betray him. Both result in this achievement.
An Anarch Tale: Join the Anarchs at the end of chapter 8. Get interrogated by Archon Adeline in chapter 9.
Kashif’s Fury : Agree to help Kashif at the beginning of chapter 8 (see achievement: True Justice) and then follow through with the assassination. When Corliss is at your mercy, you must help finish her, not drop the gun. Do not go to Arundel’s villa.
Achievements Chapter 10 part 1
Chapter 10
Into Exile: Flee the city. This can be done in chapter 8, 9, or 10.
– In chapter 8, if you’re in a relationship with Qui and have a bad reputation with Corliss, Corliss will call up Qui and tell him that you’re to be put on trial. In response to this, you can choose to leave the city.
– In chapter 9, if you’re on Corliss’s bad side and are being brought in for interrogation by Lucca, you can either convince her to let you go tests: (((charisma > 64) or (manipulation > 64)) and (lucca > 54)) or attack her ((dexterity > 59) or (strength > 59)) Must not be working with the Anarchs.
– In chapter 10, don’t go to Arundel’s villa. If you found the secret video in achievement ‘One Night in Ottawa’ you must not have chosen to give it to Corliss. A video of Corliss will play for the Council after Qui takes the stage. Chaos will erupt and Kindred will fight Kindred. Use that window of opportunity to follow Qui’s directions to flee the city.
– Follow the Anarch branch all the way to the end, but instead of stopping Sevinc from detonating the explosives, allow her to do it.
Bettered Bouchard : Follow the Anarch path. While ascending the hotel staircase in chapter 10, Bouchard will attack you and Ward. You must beat him by yourself after Ward is taken down. Ways to beat him:
– Use Oblivion.
– Use a combat discipline (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude) and then bludgeon him with all the strength you have left, testing: (((strength + stamina) > 99) or (strength > 59))
– Fight him without a discipline, testing: (((strength + dexterity) > 99) or (stamina > 59))
Annabelle’s Pet: Finish the game on the Anarchs’ side and go to Toronto. Do not allow Sevinc to detonate the explosives.
Dead Bodies Everywhere: Go to Arundel’s villa and guess the wrong password in the basement twice.
Barony-Bound: Meet the Anarch Baron Michael Zaslow in Waterloo. This can be done by ending on the Anarchs’ side and choosing to go to Waterloo, or by assassinating Corliss with Kashif and deciding to join the Anarchs in Waterloo.
(Hidden) Prince-Killer: Destroy Arundel one of 3 ways.
– Ally with Bouchard and allow him to destroy Arundel as he lies in torpor.
– Ally with Vivian, get to the villa, and then betray her and destroy Arundel. Defeating Vivian requires a difficult check ((strength > 69) and (composure > 49)), and if you fail you’ll end the game prematurely. (see the ‘With Friends Like These’ achievement for more.) If you can’t pass the first check, there is a secondary test that will allow you to still beat Vivian: ((strength > 54) and (composure > 69))
– Romance Jordan and once you find Arundel in the villa, decide to destroy him. Lucca will object and you must disable her before you’re able to attack Arundel.
With Friends Like These: Ally with Vivian, go to Arundel’a villa, and betray her. Fail the strength/composure checks listed in the ‘Prince-Killer’ achievement to get this unique ending.
A Monster Made: One of the achievements that seems to give players a hard time. Getting this achievement requires the reader to commit diablerie on Lucca during chapter 10. To get this opportunity, you must:
– Be interrogated by Lucca in chapter 9. This generally requires a low Corliss reputation.
– Do not leave the interrogation room with (or ally with) Bouchard, Vivian, Kashif, or the Anarchs. If you are in a relationship with Jordan, do not leave in favor of visiting Arundel’s villa. No relationship with Lucca.
– Do not convince Lucca of your innocence. Generally be anti-Corliss in your responses to her questioning and defend the Anarchs if/when prompted.
– Be brought to trial in chapter 10.
– Manage to convince the Court of your innocence, or at least make a good enough impression that you aren’t executed by Qui. This isn’t terribly hard to do, and only requires calling a witness or two you’re in decent standing with.
– When the Court is invaded by mortals, defend yourself as normal and an explosion will drop the floor out from underneath you. You will revive on the floor below, alone with Lucca.
– Decide to use this opportunity to take revenge on Lucca and attack her while nobody’s watching. You only get this option if she brought you to trial.
– Attack Lucca. (Celerity, Potence, or Fortitude are automatic wins.) Attack her from behind for this check: (((stamina > 49) and (dexterity > 49)) or (strength > 69)) Trick Lucca into positioning herself for an impalement for this check: (((intelligence > 49) and (manipulation > 49)) or (charisma > 69))
– Once Lucca is defeated, you must choose to drain her dry and the achievement will be yours! Good luck!
Sevinc Interrupted: Go to Arundel’s villa with either Jordan, Lucca, or Vivian and revive the Prince. During the later confrontation with Annabelle and Sevinc, choose to fight against Sevinc. (this can also be accomplished if you are a Nosferatu with Animalism and you’ve worked with Sevinc’s dogs, Süphan and Ararat, in chapter 5 and thus have a rapport with them.) Once the dogs are dealt with, you need to convince Sevinc to stop fighting in one of these ways:
– Use Presence on her.
– Try to convince her you’re not the real enemy (no discipline use) and pass this check: (((intelligence > 39) and (manipulation > 39)) or (charisma > 59))
No Quarter: Rescue Arundel from the villa and attack Corliss during the confrontation with Annabelle. Either decapitate her on your own, or take the opportunity to decapitate her when Arundel offers it.
Anarch Executioner: Destroy Robert Ward in one of two ways:
– Fight against him alongside Corliss after the mortals attack the ascension ceremony (do not go to Arundel’s villa) and then finish Ward when Corliss suggests it.
– Rescue Arundel and make your way to the epilogue. When Archon Adeline tells you to execute Ward, do it.
(Hidden) Archon Annihilator: Rescue Arundel and get to the epilogue. When Archon Adeline tells you to execute Ward, attack her instead.
Identity Crisis: To get this hidden ending you must reach the epilogue version where Corliss becomes Prince after fulfilling these prerequisites:
– Learn your secret past through Jordan’s memory-skimming. You will need to visit the Anarchs in chapter 7 to do this as early as possible. Joining the Anarchs to attack Elysium after this is NOT required–you can still join the Blood Hunt against the Tremere in the sewers. Speaking with the Anarchs in chapter 7 requires being in Ward’s good books. This means you can’t piss him off in chapter 1. (don’t shoot him or tell him that Anarchs suck)
– In chapter 8, tell Archon Adeline about Corliss’s diablerie of Grace Epting that you learned in your memories.
– Tell the Archon at least 3 pieces of information. (see ‘Archon’s Pet’ achievement)
– Have a Corliss reputation of less than 45.
Besieged: Finish the game with Vivian as steward/Prince.
– Don’t go to Arundel’s villa.
– Take Vivian’s side in a fight with Corliss. (This fight will be with Vivian or Ward. Vivian will only appear if the Anarchs have been destroyed.)
– To make sure the Anarchs are destroyed you must do one of the following:
(1) Lie to the Archon when you first meet her in chapter 6 and get caught by failing this check: ((manipulation > 64) and ((charisma > 49) or (composure > 49))) which will result in her interrogating you at the end of the chapter and wiping your mind.
(2) Give Ward’s business card to the Archon when you first meet her. You can get the card by escaping Hauberk when he accosts you in chapter 5 on the way to the exhibition.
(3) When being interrogated by Adeline in chapter 8, tell her that Ward tried to recruit you for the attack on Elysium. (this option is given if you rejected Ward’s proposal, or if you went to Elysium and saved Alisha, or if you don’t tell Adeline more than 2 things, and she force-probes you, giving you the option to tell her that you willingly attacked Elysium.)
Achievements chapter 10 part 2 + Feeding sections
Chapter 10 Achievements continued:
It’s Raining Princes: Finish the game with Corliss as Prince while having a Corliss reputation of LOWER than 55. Do not go to the villa or rescue Arundel. Take Corliss’s side VS Vivian or Ward.
Corliss Wins: Finish the game with Corliss as Prince while having a Corliss reputation of HIGHER than 54 or after having destroyed Arundel. Do not rescue Arundel. Take Corliss’s side VS Vivian or Ward.
Arundel’s Revenge : Rescue Arundel from the villa. When Adeline tells you to destroy Ward, either do the deed yourself or refuse. Do not attack the Archon.
Become Seneschal: Either (1) Rescue Arundel from the villa. OR (2) End with Vivian as steward (see the ‘Besieged’ achievement for details) and accept the offer to become Seneschal.
Feeding Scene Achievements:
Never Sicker: Feed at the 27 Club. (Cannot be Nosferatu.) Go after the older man at the bar. Drink the beer and pass this test to keep from vomiting it back up: ((stamina > 49) or (composure > 49))
And Don’t Come Back! : Feed at the 27 Club and get banned. (Cannot be Nosferatu.) Feed in the washroom and do one of the following:
– Lock the door behind you and then do not use Presence or Dominate to get yourself out of trouble.
– Pull the guy into the stall to feed and then choose: “Do you mind? We’re trying to get a private moment here!”
– Make small talk with the victim and then choose: “What?” I say to her mockingly. “You jealous?”
Ghoul Driver: (Requires Nosferatu PC) Feed at Gil-O-Julien Park 3 times and then choose to take Sam as your new ghoul.
Secreted Away: Feed at Alisha Grey’s blood doll establishment, ‘Ladies of the Night.’ When you are brought to the blood doll named Alex, refuse to feed on him. Convince Abagail to let Alex go after refusing to feed.
Ghoul Book-keeper: (Requires Toreador PC) Return to Alisha Grey’s blood doll establishment, ‘Ladies of the Night’ for a second time. Ask Alisha Grey if you can take her servant, Abagail, as your new retainer and ghoul.
Romance and Alliance Guide: Qui, Jordan, Lucca
Parliament of Knives has three romancable characters: Jordan, Sheriff Qui, and Lucca. And one fling: Sevinc. All three romances are open to players of any gender, so feel free to approach them with any kind of character you wish to play as. Each romance has a number of events that must be completed in order to trigger them, so if you want to play through the unique scenes, check the individual guides below.
Romance/Alliance Guide – Sheriff Qui:
Qui is one of the more complicated romances in the game, and there are very specific choices that must be made in order to attract his attention.
– Make sure you do NOT assist Ward with his plan to break out the Feral, Hauberk in chapter 2.
– Do not form a secret alliance with Bouchard or Vivian in chapter 2.
– In chapter 3, when Qui comes to talk with you in your haven, be honest with him about any interactions you’ve had with the Anarchs to boost your reputation with him. Bonus points if you follow his request and send Gerard away so the meeting is private. If you impress him, he will open up to you and talk about Corliss. You don’t need to agree with everything he says here, but don’t say you’ll support your sire no matter what.
– Do not start a relationship with Jordan or Lucca in chapter 4 (see Jordan and Lucca’s romance entries)
– If you do the above, you will be taken by Qui at the end of chapter 4 to Alisha’s and complete a mission with him at the beginning of chapter 5.
– At the end of this mission, if you did not break out Hauberk and you impressed Qui in chapter 3 as detailed above, you will be given this option when you’re leaving Alisha’s exhibition hall:
I may be interested in Qui as more than friends. “We’ve been through a lot together lately. Would it be inappropriate if I wanted to get to know you better? Like, over a meal?”– Choose this option listed above to trigger the relationship.
– At the end of chapter 6, after the incident with Javier the Lasombra, Qui will ask you on a ‘date.’
– In chapter 8, toward the end of the Elysium investigation, Qui will approach you about a second outing.
Romance Guide – Jordan:
Jordan is fairly simple to romance and is gender-flippable depending on the gender you express interest in during chapter 1.
– Do not ally with Bouchard or Vivian in chapter 2.
– Do not follow the Lucca romance path in chapter 4.
– Speak with Jordan in chapter 4 during the Council meeting.
– Jordan will ask you to come over to their place after the meeting is over. Say yes.
– When Jordan starts to get serious, say that you want what Jordan wants. This starts the relationship.
– The Jordan relationship gives special scenes in chapter 6, 8, and 9, and gives you the opportunity to visit the villa with Jordan and Lucca in chapter 10.
Romance Guide/Alliance – Lucca
Lucca was added as a romancable character with the DLC update. The path to romance her is very similar to Jordan’s.
– Do not ally with Bouchard or Vivian in chapter 2.
– Do not follow the Jordan romance path in chapter 4.
– Speak with Lucca in chapter 4 during the Council meeting.
– If you have the option, make sure not to accuse her of any wrongdoing.
– If you’re a Lasombra, do not flat-out tell her the truth about her bloodline–she can’t accept it now and will become angry.
– When speaking with Lucca in chapter 4, do NOT call religion ‘foolish fairy tales.’ This makes her angry. Choose any other response and you’ll be fine, even if you tell her that you don’t believe in a higher power.
– If you do this correctly, at the end of the conversation she’ll ask for your help and to meet her on the street after the council meeting is over. Say yes.
– Do NOT tell her to back off her investigation and in the next choice, choose to join her. This begins the Lucca friendship/romance arc and unique scenes.
Have a fling with Sevinc, the Banu Haqim Anarch
Fling Guide – Sevinc
Added as special scenes in the DLC update. Sevinc is not a full romance, but there are two steamy scenes to get if you follow the right paths. These scenes are mutually exclusive and you cannot get both of them on one run.
For the first scene , you must outright OPPOSE or attack Sevinc
on one or more occasions, but still stay for the entire Anarch path (detailed below.) This leads to a rather angry fling as she tries to figure out what your game is.
Chances to oppose Sevinc (do at least one):
– In chapter 5, escape Hauberk and choose to spy on the Anarchs. Once you’ve found them, pass a check with either dexterity or resolve of 45 or higher. Choose to shoot either Ward or Sevinc.
– When meeting the Anarchs in chapter 5, tell them this: “Corliss has every right to assume power until Arundel reappears. She’s the Prince’s Seneschal—it’s her duty. If you knew what’s best for you, you’d leave Ottawa immediately.” OR tell them: “You’re right about one thing: I am a time-bomb, and things are going to get really messy here if you don’t get to the point.”
– Leave the chapter 5 meeting by saying this: “This is the most blatant attempt at manipulation I’ve ever heard. I’m leaving. Never contact me again.”
– When meeting with the Anarchs in chapter 7, say: “Get to the point, Ward. I have places I need to be tonight and they don’t involve me wasting my time with Anarchs.”
After fulfilling one or more of the above conditions, go along with the Anarchs on their attack in chapter 7. Once you’re engaged in the attack, you must figure out where Alisha is before Ward does. You can do this by:
– Being Toreador allows you to know where she is hiding automatically.
– Use Auspex to increase your perception.
– Use Presence to cow a fledgling into submission.
– Use Obfuscate or Oblivion, not to attack, but to avoid conflict and uncover Alisha’s hidden location.
– Or search for Alisha without discipline use and pass a Resolve or Wits check with 60 or higher.
– Once you know where Alisha is, choose to tell Sevinc or Ward.
– Enjoy
For the second Sevinc fling scene, you do pretty much the opposite. Sevinc must admire you
. You must do ALL of the below:
– Fight off the vampire hunters alongside the Anarchs during your meeting with them in the middle of chapter 5.
– Attack Elysium alongside the Anarchs in chapter 7.
– Treat Sevinc well and badmouth the Camarilla as often as you can to get her (hidden) reputation up to 40 or higher.
– Follow the full Anarch path (see the Anarch guide if you need help.)
– In chapter 9, when the Archon’s forces attack the Anarch safehouse, you should have this new option available to choose: “I find Sevinc and join her to repel the attackers. We’ve developed an excellent rapport over the last few weeks and something compels me to seek her out.”
– Choose that and enjoy!
DLC: Learn Oblivion, (Trevor Haidt) Sabbat Ending, Michalis Basaras
Learn the Oblivion discipline from Moretti:
Oblivion, Moretti, and this path were added in the DLC update.
– Follow the Lucca romance/friendship path described in this guide and confront Moretti at the beginning of chapter 5.
– When he’s defeated, tell Lucca this: “Let me finish him, Lucca. Father D’Amico wouldn’t have wanted you to take vengeance for him like this. Don’t let Moretti stain your memory.”
– When you’re alone with Moretti, tell him: “I’m listening,” I say. “I’m willing to learn, but I need to know I can trust you.”
– Continue following the Lucca friendship/romance path in chapter 6. When she tells you that she wants to spy on Basaras, choose this option: I have to speak with Moretti about this right away. If I don’t warn him, he might not survive long enough to train me in the art of Oblivion. “This is reckless, Lucca. I can’t be a part of it.” This option is only available if you chose to listen to Moretti in chapter 5.
– Visit Moretti in his hotel room and follow his instructions.
Ally with Trevor Haidt:
Added in the DLC update.
– Talk with Corliss in chapter 4 during the council meeting.
– When speaking with Trevor and Corliss, agree to help him and then when he asks you about ancient texts and history, tell him that you’re interested.
– Trevor will approach you in chapter 5 during the exhibition. Go with him for a private meeting.
– Make sure you end up going to Arundel’s villa for chapter 10.
– Prepare to get evil.
Do a job for Michalis Basaras:
Added in the DLC update.
– Be Lasombra
– Do NOT ally with Bouchard or fight Moretti with Lucca.
– Do NOT be in a relationship with Jordan.
– Basaras will ask to speak with you during the exhibition in chapter 5. Agree to the meeting.
– Complete Basaras’s task. (It’s similar to Vivian’s special quest, and if you’re allied with Vivian, the text will reflect this.)
– Doing this results in several alternate text segments and a conversation with Basaras in the epilogue if you rescue Arundel.
Anarch path guide
Anarchs/Ward Path:
– First and foremost, in the middle of chapter 1, when you first meet Ward and he grabs you around the throat do NOT shoot him or say ‘You Anarchs are all the same.’ Try to reason with him.
– If you try to reason with him in chapter 1 before he throws you, he will approach you in chapter 2, after your interview with either Vivian or Bouchard, requesting your help breaking Hauberk out from jail. If he dislikes you at this point, he will not appear here.
– From here, try to be generally agreeable with Ward and his Anarchs (Sevinc and Hauberk.) Play nice with them in chapter 5 after Hauberk forcibly takes you to meet them. Get your reputation with Ward up to 40 or higher by the beginning of chapter 7.
– If you played nice with Ward in chapter 1 and have a Ward reputation of 40 or more, he will contact you in chapter 7, just before you are about to join the Blood Hunt in the sewers.
– Go with Ward’s ghoul driver and meet the Anarchs.
– You’ll have the option to join the Anarchs in an attack. Do it.
– Unique version of chapter 7!
– In chapter 8, you’ll be given a chance to warn the Anarchs that the Archon is on to them. Choose to warn them.
– Go with Ward and Sevinc when they break you out of prison.
– Choose to stay with Sevinc for her plan. Siding with Ward shunts you to the Arundel’s villa ending path.
– Enjoy a unique chapter 10!
Vivian and Bouchard alliance guides
Vivian Alliance Path:
– You can first meet Vivian in chapter 2 by choosing to interview her instead of Bouchard. Do so.
– Offer her inside information on Corliss.
– Assure her that the offer is genuine.
– Do NOT follow a romance path, as it can interfere with this alliance.
– You will notice someone following you at the end of chapter 4. The messenger will direct you to a meeting.
– Meet with Vivian at the beginning of chapter 5. Agree to do her quest.
– At the end of the exhibition toward the end of chapter 5, choose to stay in the building and complete Vivian’s task.
– Several new scenes in chapters 6, 8, 9, and 10 open.
– OPTIONAL: Search Arudel’s villa with Vivian, betray her (kill or be killed by her in the process), or be betrayed by her.
Bouchard Alliance Path:
Bouchard’s alliance can be completed in a very similar sequence to Vivian’s, but the scenes themselves are almost completely different.
– You can first meet Bouchard in chapter 2 by choosing to interview her instead of Vivian. Do so.
– Offer him inside information on Corliss.
– Assure him this isn’t a test.
– Choose the first or third option: “Either that or she only wants us to think she doesn’t know where he is.” I say with a knowing smile.” or “Whether or not Corliss knows what happened to Arundel is irrelevant if he’s been Beckoned. What does matter is what the court believes she did with him. You and I can influence that.”
– Do NOT follow a romance path, as it can interfere with this alliance.
– You will notice someone following you at the end of chapter 4. The messenger will direct you to a meeting.
– Meet with Bouchard at the beginning of chapter 5. Agree to do his quest.
– At the end of the exhibition toward the end of chapter 5, choose to stay in the building and complete Bouchard’s task.
– Several new scenes in chapters 6, 8, 9, and 10 open.
How to get put on trial (Anti-Corliss, no Prince’s Villa)
Get put on Trial – (Anti-Corliss route with no Prince’s Villa)
If you don’t have an ally take you to Arundel’s villa and you’re on Corliss’s bad side, you can be taken to trial during her ascension ceremony in chapter 10. If you do badly at the trial (hard to do unless you do it on purpose) you can even be executed by Sheriff Qui for an early ending.
How to get put on trial:
– Do not agree to assassinate Corliss for Kashif.
– Do not go to the Elysium raid with the Anarchs (they will break you out before trial.)
– Not not ally with Bouchard, or, if you do, you must betray and destroy him in chapter 8.
– You need to be brought in for interrogation by Lucca and fail the interrogation. How to get this scene is detailed below:
– Whenever possible, anger Corliss or do things that will lower your reputation with her. Speak poorly of her, let Kashif right into her office in chapter 2 and support him to her face, etc…
– There is a hidden variable called loyalty_to_corliss. It is default set to 5. To keep it that way or lower, do NOT inform Corliss of any information whenever you have the option to do so. Any alliances with the Anarchs, Bouchard, or Vivian will also lower this. Messing with this is not necessary, but can help.
– There is another hidden variable called loyalty_to_ward. It is default set to 0. Raise it by listening to his proposition to break Hauberk out of prison in chapter 2. Extra point for following through. Informing on the Anarchs to Qui lowers this.
Follow any one of the below paths to reach the interrogation:
1) At the beginning of chapter 9, if Henrik Lang approaches you, tell him to ‘seek help elsewhere.’ (to get Henrik to approach you, follow the guide for the achievement ‘Choose A Side.’) From here you must have a Corliss rep of under 70 to go to the interrogation. If you went to see Ward in chapter 7, this section sends you to interrogation regardless of your Corliss rep.
2) You can also get to the interrogation scene if you do bring Henrik to your home with the same check as the above after you’ve chosen a side.
3) Romance Qui. After spending the night in chapter 8, you must have less than 40 Corliss rep, OR have (loyalty_to_corliss < 5) or (loyalty_to_ward > 0). When given the opportunity, do NOT flee the city.
4) Romance Jordan. You will automatically be brought to interrogation after the events at the cult compound.
5) Ally with Bouchard and double-cross him in chapter 8, destroying him with the heavy machine gun. Then linger in his lair to be caught by Lucca with his remains. Do NOT tell the Tremere your name or she will save you from the interrogation.
6) Ally with Vivian. When she gives you a sealed letter to deliver to Qui, do exactly as she says and Qui will arrest you on the spot and bring you in to interrogation. Do not read the letter beforehand.
Once you are being interrogated, do the following:
– Do not escape and flee the city.
– Your responses influence a variable that determines if she believes in your innocence. Follow the path below to be sure she thinks you’re guilty once she opens the pad:
– “Camarilla and Anarchs are able to have truces in many other cities, even if they’re uneasy truces. Why not here? Arundel wanted peace with Ward, not war, especially not during a time like the Second Inquisition.”
– “Don’t you see that you’re making my point for me?”
– “That’s too ridiculous for even you to believe, Lucca. You’re smarter than that.”
– “It sounds like you’re asking me to incriminate myself. If there’s actually evidence, show it and I’ll explain why the interpretation is mistaken.”
– “Some of those are real,” I point out the photos of Hauberk. “But the rest are fakes. I never spoke one-on-one with Ward like that.”
At the end of the interrogation:
– If you have an ally, they will intervene. This is why you must not be with Bouchard or agree to assassinate Corliss with Kashif.
– If you’re allied with Vivian, you can choose not to go with her by selecting: “I don’t trust Vivian’s motives. I think it would be best if you spoke to Corliss before making any rash decisions.”
– Lucca will make up her mind about you. If you did as instructed above during the interrogation, she will not be convinced of your innocence.
– If Qui likes you, he will intervene here. Choose NOT to go find Arundel. If he doesn’t trust you, he won’t give this option. Do not flee the city at this point.
– Enjoy the trial!
Arundel’s Villa endings: How to get there
Ways to get to Arundel’s Villa:
You can search for the missing Prince at his villa with one of the following parties: Jordan and Lucca, Vivian, Qui, Bouchard, or Robert Ward. If you’re not romancing anyone or making an alliance with Vivian or Bouchard, make sure that Corliss doesn’t like you or you’ll be shunted onto the pro-Corliss path which bypasses the villa.
Ward : Ally with the Anarchs (see Anarch guide) At the end of chapter 9, choose to go with Ward to find Arundel, not to go on Sevinc’s assault.
Qui : Follow Qui romance, or have a high Qui reputation by the end of the chapter 9 interrogation. Agree to go with him to Arundel’s villa.
Bouchard : Ally with Bouchard, do not betray him. Get interrogated by having a bad Corliss reputation. Bouchard will intervene and take you to Arundel’s villa.
Vivian : Ally with Vivian. Hand in her letter to Qui without reading it. She’ll intervene and bring you to the villa.
Jordan and Lucca : Romance Jordan or Lucca.
Win the fight against Javier (the Lasombra) in Chapter 6
Win the battle against the Lasombra assassin (Javier) in chapter 6:
Fighting the Lasombra, Javier, with Qui in chapter 6 can be a little tricky. You can initiate this fight by allying with Qui at the end of chapter 4 (happens by default if you don’t ally with anyone else or start a romance path), going with him to the early raid on Alisha’s exhibition in the beginning of chapter 5, and then being contacted by a blackmailer in chapter 6 after meeting the Archon. Defeat the Lasombra who ambushes you in the garage (Javier) as follows:
– Deal with the blackmailer any way you choose. It doesn’t affect the fight with Javier.
– Once you encounter Javier, you have a few choices of his to deal with him:
– If you use Auspex or Oblivion, you need to pass a Wits and Resolve check. Adding both together must be 100 or more.
– Use Fortitude and pass a Resolve + Composure check (100 or more total.)
– Use Obfuscate and pass a check with Wits or Resolve at 50 or more.
– If you aren’t at full Hunger, you can use a Blood Surge. This is a much harder check than the above. ((resolve > 59) and (composure > 59))
– If you are carrying a gun and want to shoot him, you must pass this check: Dexterity > 55 and either Wits or Resolve > 49 to succeed.
– If your Hunger is maxed, you’ll have no choice but to flee. Successfully fleeing if you are ravenous is very difficult and requires ((resolve > 64) and (composure > 64))
Get Lucca to learn her Lasombra heritage if playing as Lasombra
How to get Lucca to learn her Lasombra heritage if playing as Lasombra:
– Follow the Lucca romance or Jordan romance path. Growing close to her gets her to trust you over time and accompany you to Arundel’s villa.
– Do NOT tell her outright that she is Lasombra in chapter 4 or 6. Hinting at it is okay and provides additional insight. Telling her all at once may end the relationship early and block you from bringing her to Arundel’s villa.
– Make sure to un-stake Arundel. Do not choose to leave him trapped.
– Lucca will then flat-out ask Arundel about her heritage.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Vampire: The Masquerade - Parliament of Knives guide. This guide was originally created and written by Durandal. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.