An overview of the Tanglewood Street House map including Cursed Posession and Bone locations, strategies and tactics, and various tips for each room.
The Tanglewood Street House is the first map for most players and is one of the smallest, as of the current patch, comprising only 11 rooms and 2 pisos. It is often derided or affectionally known as “Tutorial House” because it is the map currently used on Training mode.
Hall de entrada
Hall de entrada, sometimes casually known as the Lobby, Hallway, Front Hallway, or Front Room is the first room you enter on
Casa da Rua Tanglewood. The layout can be described as “H-shaped” with two hallways — the left leads to the
Boys Bedroom,
Main Bathroom, e
Nurseryand has a closet. The right leads straight into the
Sala de estare tem um
There are two end tables which are across from each other in the middle of the Foyer — the left one has a candle and a number of other assorted items while the right one has a lamp and a number of other assorted items. The candle can be used like any other candle in the event the team hasn’t bought in their own
The following screenshots show the two end tables in the
Hall de entrada.
The following screenshots show the two
Hall de entrada.
atualmentespawn in the
Hall de entradanor do any of the
Cursed Posessions. O
Hall de entradacan be
ambosone of the easiest and most difficult places for the ghost’s room. The proximity to the
Front Doorallows for
rápidodeployment of equipment and monitoring of the status of the
Front Door.
No entantothe ghost can spawn in two spots in the
Hall de entradawhich can block quick movement into the
Sala de estarin the case of a hunt.
Boys Bedroom
Boys Bedroom,
às vezescasually known as the Blue Bedroom, Small Bedroom, or Front Example is an example of one of the
smallest types of bedroomsin Phasmophobia. It has a number of items — incluindo
exclusivoitems like the guitar and computer — affording plenty of activity for any ghost.
O exclusivo items allow for you to readily identify noises that could only be coming from the Boys Bedroom.
It has a single closet
master em mentethat since the closet is part of the Boys Bedroom you can’t hide from the ghost if the
Boys Bedroomis currently its
favorite room. The layout of the room allows for the closet doors to easily break line of sight and you
mightbe able to hide behind it even if the closet is otherwise unavailable.
Currently the
Cursed Possessioncan’t spawn in this room but the
Ossocan spawn both on the bed and on the ground.
Main Bathroom
Main Bathroomis a good example of a medium-sized bathroom in Phasmophobia. While it’s not the smallest type of bathroom it still presents a number of challenges. Since it is still a fairly small room it can be
difficultto effectively place the
Câmera de vídeoin the room. Você
mightget around this by placing the
Câmera de vídeoforaof the room in the Foyer but this is
dependenton the state of the bathroom door.
Enquanto o
Cursed Possessionatualmentecan’t spawn in the room the
Ossocan spawn right in the middle of the floor — there have also been reports of it spawning in the sink.
Nurseryis a relatively small room that is somewhere in size between the
Boys Bedroom e o
Quarto principal. It has a
númeroof objects which afford considerable activity from any ghost. It is especially fun with a
Poltergeistbecause of the number of toys that can be thrown around the room.
It was somewhat
recentlyre-designed so that there is a possible hiding spot behind the crib and can be a good spot to hide when dealing with a nearby Ghost.
Ossocan spawn in the room, often right in the middle of the room.
Nurseryé o
Casa da Rua Tanglewoodspawn for the
Caixa de músicaas of the
current patch.
Sala de estar
Sala de estaris one of the larger rooms on
Casa da Rua Tanglewooddominated by a bookcase, sectional sofa, and television. It serves as the most central area of the map and leads into the
Hall de entrada,
Quarto principal,
Utility Room, e
Cozinha. This can make pinpointing the ghost’s room
a bit difficultas it might actually be in one of these adjacent rooms as well as it can interact easily with those rooms as well.
The room has a fairly noisy ceiling fan, a
exclusivoitem for the room, which makes determining whatever or not the lights have been turned off in the room fairly easy from anywhere on the map. This also means if the lights are broken by the ghost you’ll be spending a lot of time walking through a dark area given it’s central location.
The television is a fairly
exclusivoitem too so if the ghost interacts with it you can probably hear the television static on most of the map.
Ossocan spawn in this room and is usually on or around the sofa, smaller bones might blend in with parts of the oriental rug.
Sala de estaré
atualmentethe spawn for the
Cartas de Tarôsobre
Casa da Rua Tanglewoodas of the
current patch. It is also the spawn for the
Espelho Assombradosobre
Casa da Rua Tanglewood.
Quarto principal
Quarto principalis a medium-sized room and the only room on
Casa da Rua Tanglewoodaquilo é
na verdadea combination of three rooms, as of the current patch. It also includes the
Master Bathroomwhich is the larger of the two bathrooms on the map as well as the often overlooked
Armário. Desde
todosthree physical rooms are regarded as one room they will
todosgive evidence if the Master Bedroom is the ghost’s room.
The room has a number of objects including a
velawhich can be utilized by the team — while there is a laptop on the table in the room it can’t be turned on or interacted with like the computer in the Boys Bedroom.
While, as of the current patch, não
Bens Amaldiçoadosspawn in this room the
Ossocan spawn in any of the three physical rooms that comprise the
Quarto principal.
The Basement is one of the largest rooms on Tanglewood Street House and until the addition of two portable coolers was one of the most difficult rooms on the map for the ghost’s room. There are a number of objects but getting interaction evidence, especially for Poltergeist or Oni, can still be difficult. The addition of the two coolers provided two more objects where ghosts can leave Fingerprints — and a rather loud sound when they are interacted with by the ghost.
It is also one of two locations where the Fuse Box, also known as the Power Box or Breaker, can spawn on the map.
The rocking chair is a unique item on the map and the rocking sound can be often from much of the map — allowing the team to pinpoint the ghost’s location.
Porãois the spawn for both the
Círculo de Invocaçãoe
Tabuleiro Ouija, as of the current patch, sobre
Casa da Rua Tanglewood. O
Ossocan also spawn in the
Porãoprimarily in front of the broken refrigerator and around the storage racks.
The Kitchen is towards the back of the map and makes for a fun room for the ghost — especially if it’s a Poltergeist — because of the large number of varied objects in the room. The room is important when a team decides to loop the ghost around the kitchen counter island. This is also the location of the famous potato hidden in a cabinet in the island as an easter egg for PsychoHypnotic, one of the well-known Phasmophobia streamers.
While none of the Cursed Possessions currently spawn in this room the Bone can spawn at many points in the room including on the island counter and on the floor around the island counter which can make it difficult to see given the natural shadows in the room.
Sala de jantar
Sala de jantaris towards the back of
Tanglewood Street Mapand is adjacent to the
Cozinhabut can be frequently interacted with by a ghost in the
Sala de estar,
Utility Room, or even the
Porãoem alguns casos.
It has plenty of objects like the Kitchen so can be a fun ghost room especially if you have an Oni or Poltergeist and in some cases can even be used for looping a ghost. The division between this room and the Kitchen is merely a change of floor so people can easily get confused to which room is actually the ghost room — a thermometer often will clear up this confusion.
While there are no
Bens Amaldiçoadosin this room, as of the current patch, o
Ossocan spawn on, around or even under the
Sala de jantarmesa. Isso é
recomendadothat crouch down and carefully look under the table if you can’t otherwise find the
Utility Room
The Utility Room is one of the smaller rooms on Tanglewood Street House and as such suffers from the same problem as the Main Bathroom in terms of video camera placement. You can employ the same strategy by positioning the video camera outside of the Utility Room and have it look into the room but that also can be affected by the state of the door.
The Cursed Possession can’t currently spawn in this room but the Bone can and is frequently obscured by tangled up cloth in the middle of the room. It can also spawn on top of the washer or dryer which is usually easier to notice and photograph.
Garagemis one of the largest rooms on
Casa da Rua Tanglewoodwhich is dominated by a mini-van, storage racks, a utility sink, and a pair of lockers. It is also one of two locations where the
Fuse Box, also known as the Power Box or Breaker, can spawn on the map.
The room has a number of objects for interactions as well as the lockers and vehicle being unique objects in the room which have loud and distinctive sounds that can be heard throughout the map. The vehicle key is also located in a
key basketno
Hall de entrada; otherwise you can’t turn off the car alarm if the ghost activates it.
The vehicle affords you the ability to
laçothe ghost much like the
kitchen counter islandor even the
dining room table.
No entantogiven the vehicle’s height it can be
difficultto determine which direction the ghost is going with flickering lights and other distractions.
Garagemé o
currentspawning point for the
Boneca voduwhich spawns on top of the large garbage can, or garbage bin, as well as several spawning points for the
Ossoincluding behind the vehicle.
The Tanglewood Street House is a personal favorite of mine and many other players — while it is the starting map I believe it is one of the best maps to hone your skills as an investigator and to test out many of the game’s mechanics. However the map’s small size makes it difficult to gauge footsteps — such as in the case of Mylings — and doesn’t allow for prolonged chases like on longer maps.
The map has overgone several changes such as the Utility Room’s layout, the location of Cursed Possessions and Bones, and even has vestiges of discarded planned features such as having to learn the ghost’s name instead of simply getting it from the whiteboard.
Isso é tudo o que estamos compartilhando hoje para isso Fasmofobia guia. Este guia foi originalmente criado e escrito por gc1ceo. Caso não atualizemos este guia, você pode encontrar a atualização mais recente seguindo este link.