This guide will teach you the basics and some strategies on how to play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive.
Pierwsze kroki
Some of you might not know the numerical input system to Guilty Gear Strive, so what I did was add the system here. Również, RC = Roman Cancel, and RRC = Red Roman Cancel, YRC = Yellow Roman Cancel, itp; also j. = jump and c. = crouching. That should help you throughout this guide:
Strong Points & Weak Points
Strong Points
- Excellent Pressure to the opponent (use Fuujin like how you use air a lot)
- Guard Point (236K or Quarter-Circle Forward Kick) can get you some nasty punishes
- High conversion pickup rate
- Tons of options for literally anything
- Very flexible
Weak Points
- Struggles with the dependence of gimmicks (basically very hard to do some tricky ♥♥♥♥)
- Bad momentum
- PRAY FOR YOUR METER (reliance on your meter and red roman cancel combos)
- bad weakness to reversals
How To Play Anji
- Play patiently.
- You can find openings to combos with some very reliant inputs, like 6h,2S,5S, and GP.
- Capitalize on whiffs/mistakes harder than what the other countries did to Germany in the treaty of Versailles.
- Only use butterfly move (can’t say the actual move) (236p or quarter-circle forward punch) when fullscreen or mid (you’ll be able to cover behind the butterfly when you run towards the enemy, adding pressure and maybe saving your life if they try to use a projectile against you.)
- When in front of your opponent you can use a number of inputs to add pressure to your opponents, like 5k,2k,c.S, and 6h are pretty nice.
- Delay some inputs when doing combos with Anji (like delay 5k/6k when doing a 236k RRC 5k 236k).
- Mix Fuujin followups when pressuring an opponent (make them think).
- Actually, use throw.
- 5k/6k can lead into a Gatling combo and can lead into the butterfly move.
Guard Point
Guard point (or 236k) will be your second most used move, besides Fuujin. How it functions is quite simple, like how you can punish high and low attacks, or how it can punish heavy normals and can even counter 236k,236S, and 236h for almost all characters if you can use it at the right time. It’s quick on whiff and can never be punished because you can block frame 0 right after the move doesn’t counter.
Meterless (Podstawowy) Combos
- 236H (Blocked) > H 5K 236H > K
- 2K/5K 2D 236S
- 5D (HOLD) > delay j.H j.D > FJC > j.P j.K j.S j.HS j.HS
- 5P 6P 236H > K
Counterhit Combos
- 5H 236H (Charged) > K c.S 5H/2H 236H > H 5K 236H
- 236H (Blocked) > H c.S 2H 236S j.D c.S 5H 236H
Metered Combos
- c.S 5H 236H > S > RRC > c.S 2H 236H > H 5H
- c.S 5H 236H > S > RRC > c.S 2H 236S (Charged)
- 236S > FRRC > c.S 5H 236H > H 5K 236H
- 5P 6P 236H > FRRC > c.S 2H 236H > H 5H
Corner Only Combo(S)
- 236H (Blocked) > H 5K 236H > H 5K 236H > H
These are not all the combos Anji has, just a basic setup.
To wszystko, co dzisiaj udostępniamy w tym celu Guilty Gear Strive przewodnik. Ten przewodnik został pierwotnie stworzony i napisany przez Larry Newban. Na wypadek, gdybyśmy nie zaktualizowali tego przewodnika, możesz znaleźć najnowszą aktualizację, postępując zgodnie z tym połączyć.