A small guide on items, strategies, and whatever else I think is important.
Your goal as the purger is simple: find evidence of the demon type, name, and the player!
It’s actually a lot more simple than you think! So, you load into the lobby. Pick a mask you like. (Masks are just cosmetic!)
The next phase on the lobby screen is Item Master and they pick what tools you use! This is very important and can make or break your game.
This is what loadout I like, but obviously, try new things! Maybe you’ll find a neat strategy.
So you load into the match, and you’re greeted with the spawn table. All players, including the demon, get a radio and a flashlight. Make sure to pick them up.
Grab things with the F key.
Use TAB to access your inventory. Some items need two hands while others do not.
To a purger, this is key to staying safe alongside the tablet. The UVED is placed and charged to create a protection zone. What does it protect you from? Shadow people. They don’t protect you from anything else other than them. So, that being said, it would be wise to listen for callouts from the tablet person (AKA command center).
Demon players can easily use these against the purgers! UVEDS can be picked up, hence stolen.
To charge a UVED, press the G key. Then spam click LEFT CLICK. Then when done, press the G key.
THE HOLY TABLET! Nah, just kidding! But it is important! So, this tool is used for keeping other players safe and looking at GoCams, then of course seeing UVED batteries. This role is key to winning but also can be tricky if you distrust the tablet holder.
In a standard game, the tablet person gets a personal UVED and makes a spot as their “hiding place.” A roaming tablet person is also common, but they could be looking for demon books!
Note: The tools below find the DEMON TYPE. Not the name or the player.
A purger’s bread and butter! This helpful tool detects mG (AKA EMF) and temperature! When you hear the beep, there is a spike. Any idle reading is irrelevant.
A tool that is hard to understand, but it is actually simple! You must ask a sentence like “If there are any demons here, speak into this EVP recorder.” or any other 7 second long sentence. You will get an ear icon. You must wait till it is gone to get a reading. No one can speak, not even on radio during this process!
A simple camera to be placed on a wall! These are used to watch either the Demon Circle (which I will cover in the demon section) or a paranormal zone! This camera will show anomalies based on the demon type. To hanging bodies, fire, body bags, VHS effects, there are many things to see on this camera. Keep your eyes peeled!
This tool is the easiest to learn. What is the color, if any? While in a zone it might light up with the associated color.
Another simple lil tool. If the demon interacts with the candle, it’s evidence! If not, also evidence! It can be placed or held. Simply ask “If there is a demon, blow out this candle.” Be sure to be inside a zone.
A double-handed camera was used to find sigils on walls. Simple to use, but sigils are circular and dark. Be careful and use a keen eye while inspecting them!
Next, the DEMON NAME.
Not to be confused with the PLAYER playing demon. This is simply the second part of the evidence found. You will find yellow glowing letters in the environment. These are directly linked to the demon name. The second way to get letters is through the ghost box. This will spew out random nonsense till it says a letter.
Demon Player
The section most of you probably want to read.
As a demon, you must play along with the other 5 players and get them to trust you, but also collect 3 demon books to access your power.
Pressing the Q key will give you a menu of your powers as you see here.
The left icon is a stealing ability. You must be near someone like when you item check someone as purger.
The bottom icon turns you invisible. It lasts a short while and then some, has a long cooldown. You can open doors while invisible.
The top icon is channel books into a circle. This is how you access demon mode to the right.
Demon circles are in random spots per game. Often teams will put cameras on them to see who the demon is!
When you have 3 books, simply stand over the circle and use the top icon to channel into demon mode.
Demon books spawn anywhere. They can be in cells, in the middle of a field, in towers, or in spawn. Only the demon player and dead players can see them and pick them up. The demon player will use this to their advantage!
That's everything we are sharing today for this Masks Of Deception guide. This guide was originally created and written by Ghostface Wifey. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.
Let’s add us a section on what players should do as a ghost maybe?