Are you having a hard time creating a good bus route for your city in OpenTTD? En esta guía, we will be showing a simple yet effective bus route layout.
Adding Bus Stops to a City
Primero, you need to search and find a generated city.
To find the road icon , look at the menu bar at the top of your screen.
Click on the road icon, which should be among the options displayed.
Desde «Road Construction» menú, select the 6th option, which should be represented by a bus stop icon.
Within this option, you’ll find two types of bus stations:
- The end one, which may not be compatible with certain bus mods.
- The through one.
Choose the type of bus station you want and place it on the map. Be sure to select the correct orientation for optimal functionality.
Building a Vehicle Depot
To put down the road depot:
Primero, click on the road icon . Entonces, pick the fifth option, which is the garage icon
, desde «Road Construction» menú. Después, ensure you select the correct orientation and position to place it accurately.
Now open the depot tab by clicking on it
Buying a Vehicle
To get the desired bus:
Simplemente haga clic en «New vehicles» and then choose the bus you want. In the vanilla game, there are two buses available for selection.
You can also verify the capacity of the bus in the parameters, which is indicated by red brackets in the screenshot. Once you’ve made your choice, just click on «Buy Vehicle» to complete the purchase.
Adding a Timetable to a Bus
Once you’ve purchased your bus, you’ll see a tab labeled «Road Vehicle #number.»
If it’s not visible, simply click on the bus displayed in your depot.
dentro del «Road Vehicle #number» pestaña, locate and click the yellow arrow; this is the command manager.
Inside the command manager, seleccionar «Ir a» and click on all your bus stations.
Activating a Bus
Ahora, feel free to close all the tabs except for the «Road Vehicle #number.»
Inside this tab, locate and click the big red «Stopped» botón.
This action will activate the bus, y con suerte, it will start making you money by transporting passengers.
By successfully creating this bus line, you’ve unlocked the ability to create any other line you desire! Whether it’s trains, barcos, or even planes, they all operate on the same principle. So feel free to expand your transportation business with confidence!
Eso es todo lo que estamos compartiendo hoy para este OpenTTD guía. Esta guía fue originalmente creada y escrita por Bako. En caso de que no actualicemos esta guía, puede encontrar la última actualización siguiendo este enlace.